I wish I could just comprehend what is going on right now. My body is tired, my brain is in a state at the cross roads of melting and enlightenment, I have come to moments of anger, fits of discouragement, and times of tremendous, overwhelming, joy. I guess that is the best way to describe it: overwhelming joy.
I am beginning a journey that has been planned for almost three years now. I am beginning my Masters of Worship Studies (MWS) at The Robert Webber Institute for Worship Studies. After two and a half years of trying and coming short, I am finally here.
Robert Webber was one of the greatest thinkers in the world of Worship. He was an expert in theology, sociology, culture and the forerunner of Ancient-Future worship. He fought at Wheaton College for many years, saying that Worship should be taught along side Theological Studies. His point being, that the way we worship and our view of worship affects everything else.
But they said no.
Robert Webber wrote many books on culture, worship, theology and such, and in 1999 started the Institute for Worship Studies where people could come and learn about worship – not music, but worship.
It was a bit surprised (but at the same time, not really surprised) to find out that most all of the staff is lacking in the areas of musical education. In fact, while much of the faculty members are accomplished musicians, former pastors and worship pastors, none of them have high degrees in music.
These people are theologians, historians, cultural critics, people who have seen that when it comes to who we are, they see that we are a part of a grand story, a story beginning with God's desire for us to enjoy and take part in his love. This is worship; communing with the one who communes with himself. If you can believe it, in my class MWS 501: Biblical Theology of Worship, in two days of in class lectures (6 hours a day…) we have covered as much as Gen. 1:1, and Gen. 1:2. But I am learning that these two verses are so critical to the story, the narrative, of scripture. I would go into it, but not tonight… as I have said before my brain has gone through many states in the last few days and right now it is more on the side of melting.
I am learning about community, love, culture, experience, relationship, history, the story of the world – these are the ingredients that make up the stock of worship soup (if you will…).
I have met wonderful people from all over the world. My small cohort made up of Thom, Jennifer, Maggie, Dan and Bret has become my family, and we will continue this little family in each class until graduation. What an amazing way to build up and encourage one another while we take on the stretching information and the challenging implication it brings.
Honestly, I can't type anymore today (sorry for the randomness). Honestly, IWS is an amazing place. You should be here: www.iwsfla.org
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